Integrating Aetiket Label Printer with Scripts

This is an advanced technique, and requires that you have some knowledge of scripting in FileMaker Pro: to integrate Aetiket Label Printer, you need to be able to write a script using ScriptMaker in your own database.

This help page will lead you step by step through the necessary steps and is organized into two sections: a simple how to list, and a more detailed step by step discussion. Step 3 of the step by step instructions is quite detailed, and designed to assist users who are not familiar with creating their own scripts.

In brief, integrating Aetiket Label Printer is as accomplished as follows:


In Aetiket Label Printer:
1. Set the "Input Method" preference to "Foreground" or "Background" and the "Import File" preference to "Labels.fp3"

In your own FileMaker Pro solution:
2. Select and export your label data to a file called: "Labels.fp3"
(See Using Aetiket Label Printer with FileMaker Step 2 for more details)

3. Create and run a script that calls the "Remote Import" script in Aetiket Label Printer.


Step 1  Setting the Preferences:

Label Type

Default Label Type

When calling Aetiket Label Printer with a script, the current default label type in the Preferences is used.

Import Method

There are two options for the Import Method preference: "Foreground" and "Background"

If "Foreground" is selected, you are led to a setup page during the import process in which the label type, row and column numbers can be set by the user. The number of labels is automatically set by the number of labels imported.

Import Method Preference

When "Background" is selected, the default values set in the preferences are used. This means that the default label type as well as the current label row and column position are used. Aetiket Label Printer functions in the background, but the shareware dialog boxes and error messages may be seen by the user. Foreground is recommended.

Import File

The import file preference should be set to "Labels.fp3"

Import File Preference

Step 2

Select and export your label data to a file called: "Labels.fp3". This step is covered in detail in Step 2 of Using Aetiket Label Printer with other FileMaker databases


Step 3  External Scripts

Below, I lead you step by step through the process of crafting the scripts, but if you are unsure of what external scripts imply, I draw your attention to the FileMaker Pro manual chapter 5: "Using ScriptMaker and buttons" (FileMaker Pro 3.0 manual) or direct you to FileMaker Pro Help.

Create a Script
Create Export Step
Create Remote Call Step
Set Export Fields


In your FileMaker Pro solution, open ScriptMaker from the Script menu: we will create one script that will both export your label data and call Aetiket Label Printer to print it.

ScriptMaker menu

After choosing "ScriptMaker" from the menu, the "Define Scripts" window will open. Create the Script by typing its name as below:

Script Name Selection

Click the "Create" button:

Create Button

The script will have been created, and the next step is to create the export step.



Available Steps

Having clicked Create, you will be in the "Script Definition Window".

In the Script definition window, click the "Clear All" button:

Clear All Button

From the "Available Steps" list, double-click the "Export Records" Step.

Specify the file to export to by clicking on the appropriately named button:

Specify File

Specify the file to export as follows then click on save, remembering to select the FileMaker Pro file type:

Export Dialog


Your Script Definition window should now look like this:

Script Definition Window



Available Steps

Next, we need to call a script in Aetiket Label Printer. This enables the two databases to communicate together.

From the Available Steps list, select the "Perform Script" Step.

Specify the script to perform by selecting the <unknown> menu:

Script to Perform


Select External Script... from the menu:

External Script Menu


Select the Change File button:

Change File Dialog


Select Aetiket.fp3 then click the Open button:

Select Aetiket.fp3 Dialog


Select <unknown>, then "Remote Import" from the pop-up menu. I have predefined this script in Aetiket Label Printer for you to execute remotely.

Select Unknown


This is how the Specify External Script window should look once you have selected "Remote Import". Click OK to continue:

Click OK


This is how the Script window should look after you click OK. There are two scripts defined: one exports the records to a file called Labels.fp3, and the other calls the external script "Remote Import" in Aetiket Label Printer.

Script list

Click OK in the Script Definition window.

You should now be able to select your script from the Script menu. This is how the Script menu should look when you are finished. The Export my... script can be selected from this menu at any time.

Export label Data Menu



When you run the script you have created, it will prompt you for the Export Field order as shown in the window below. The field you chose to export is what will be sent to Aetiket Label Printer:

Export order Dialog
Here you specify the data that you wish to export to Aetiket Label Printer. In this example, I have a chosen a field which is conveniently called "label". Any field will do as long as it isn't a container field. It also has to be just one field. Any other fields exported will be ignored.

One last note: to keep the Export Field Order dialog window from showing up every time you run your script, check the "Perform without dialog" button in the Scrip Definition window as shown below:

Perform without Dialog

That's it! I hope that this has been useful for the casual FileMaker Pro user. FileMaker Pros will know what to do, and probably don't need the hand holding. For the rest of us, however...

Page last updated May 15, 1998

Copyright © 1997-1998 by Eric Fandrich All Rights Reserved.