Table of Content
Copy and Paste
To rearrange or duplicate certain configurations you can use the following.
1) Highlite code to be moved or duplicated.
2) Hit Control + C to copy, Control + X to cut.
3) Place your curser where you want to paste what you have selected.
4) Hit Control + V this will paste your selection to the right of your curser. You can repeat this throughout the page
Opening An Existing File
To open an existing file to edit; first drag and drop the file into a Netscape window. Next Select | View | Page Source |. Using the copy and paste commands copy the entire source and paste it in the editors window.
Saving Your File
Due to the security limitations of Java writing to your hard drive is not possible. To solve this problem select the preview option.
From the new window that is launched select | File | Save As | and save your work where you want to keep it.
Previewing Colours
By selecting a different background color you also change the windows background color to preview. You can use this feature to see what the different colors look like.
(Only the background color picker will do this.)