SurfinShield Xtra Security Settings

About SurfinShield Xtra security settings
The default security violation weights
Security alerts
Java Applets Statistics
Danger level display

About SurfinShield Xtra Security Settings

SurfinShield Xtra default security settings enforce the following security options, in order to provide your system with the maximum protection:

To modify the security settings, click the Settings button on the main screen.

When SurfinShield Xtra detects a security violation attempt by an applet (Java applet or ActiveX control), it marks the applet as suspicious and issues an alarm. SurfinShield Xtra kills the applet and adds it to the Suspicious Applets Database to prevent it from being loaded in the future. For more detailed information, see Managing Applets.

ActiveX Security Protection
Unlike Java applets, which are run in the protected environment of the Java Virtual Machine (using the ‘sandbox’ model), ActiveX controls are not separated from the operating system of your computer. This means that an ActiveX control can be automatically downloaded from a web site and then run on your system, having full execution rights to all of the files on your system.

SurfinShield Xtra protects your computer by placing restrictions on the access of ActiveX controls to files on your system. SurfinShield Xtra implements Finjan’s X-box security model, which restricts ActiveX controls from installing of accessing files outside of the specified permissions.

By default, SurfinShield Xtra allows ActiveX controls access only to selected directories. (This enables basic functionality of ActiveX controls.) ActiveX controls are prevented from establishing a network connection to any web site (except for the originating host of the control). In addition, they are prevented from affecting other programs in the Windows registry.

SurfinShield Xtra allows you to fully control the file access permissions of ActiveX controls. For example, you can specify a specific directory or file on your system for which ActiveX controls will have read or write permission.

To view or modify the file access permissions for ActiveX controls:

  1. Click the Settings button.
  2. Select the Permissions tab in the Security Options window.

  3. Use the buttons at the bottom of the window to add, edit, or remove items.

The Default Security Violation Weights

SurfinShield Xtra defines the severity of a security breach using ‘weights’ that are assigned to different functions. The weights are set in the Weights tab in the Settings window. (Note, however, that in most cases you do not need to modify these weights.)


The following table describes the various weights assigned to particular functions.

Function Name Description in "Activity Log" Weight
Read file 90
Write file security.file.write 90
Delete file Unknown Security Exception 90
Execute local file security.exec 90
Security Exceptions - System Properties
Read hidden properties 30
Replace properties file security.file.write 90
Security Exceptions - Sockets
Connect to a network port security.socket.connect 80
Security Exceptions - Processes
Kill the browser security.exit 50
Execute local program security.exec 80
Security Exceptions - Libraries and Name Spaces
Load the dynamic library + security.exec 90
Create the new classloader security.classloader 90
(The following is taken from netscape.applet.appletSecurity)
Modify the thread security.thread 40
Modify the threadgroup security.threadgroup 40
Read the file by descriptor 90
Write file by descriptor security.fd.write 90
Listen to port security.socket.listen 80
URLConnect security.protocol. http, https, ftp, gopher, file 90
Package access package.restrict.access 40
Package definition package.restrict.definition 40

Security Alerts

New Applet Alert
When a new applet comes on board, an audible notification is given, the event is logged and the applet button containing a green light indicator is added to the main screen.

Suspicious Applet Alert
Whenever an applet is already in the Suspicious Applet Database (and the "Prevent loading of Suspicious applets" options in the Settings window is checked), it is prevented from being loaded into the system and therefore no warning is given. The requested HTML page will be shown on your browser normally, except for the Applet display area which will remain as a rectangular gray (background) area. This event is shown on the Applets Activity Log.

Whenever an applet attempts a security breach, its status changes to a Suspicious Applet and a warning is sounded. The light indicator on the Applet button on the main screen changes to red.

Threshold Alert
When any of the four thresholds defined in the Statistics options are exceeded, a threshold alert is given. This indicates that one or more of the monitored system resources has become dangerously overloaded by the applet(s) currently in the system.

Viewing the statistics displays should provides more detailed information as to the type of resource in question. Clicking the Kill-All button on the main screen will terminate all applets currently on the system and free the system resources.

Java Applets Statistics

The Statistics window provides you with information regarding the following:

Option Description
% of Memory In Use Indicates the amount of memory that is currently being used by all Java applets, expressed as a percentage of the Java allocated memory.
Applets Running Shows the number of Java applets that are currently running
Security Exceptions Shows the number of security exceptions that have been attempted by the Java applets and ActiveX controls currently in the system.
Media Tracker Shows the number of GIF files currently in the system, which were loaded by Java Applets.

To access SurfinShield Xtra Statistics, click the Statistics Button.

To switch between display modes, click the appropriate button below the large display, to the left.
The digital display appears in the center, below the large display and gives you the status numerically.
To display further Statistics Options, click either the left or right arrow situated at the base of the display in the center. Each click moves the display one frame in the direction of the arrow clicked.

For each of the statistics option, you can also set the threshold.

To adjust the Threshold, click the appropriate Up or Down Arrow.

Danger Level Display

SurfinShield Xtra presents two types of Danger Level Displays - that of the specific Applet and that of the whole Java environment.

Level Differentiators:
Overall System Index
Overall Applet Index
  0 - 200
0 - 100
Dangerous RED RANGE 80 - 200
Moderately Dangerous YELLOW RANGE 70 - 80
Low Danger GREEN RANGE 0 - 70

Applet Danger Level
The Applet Danger Level Display shows the gravity of security attacks caused by a specific Applet. To view the Applet Danger Level Display, click the appropriate Applet Button and select the Security Option Tab.

System Danger Level Display
The System Danger Level Display shows the accumulative weight of all suspicious Applets that are currently in the system. When an Applet is killed, either automatically or manually, the Danger Level is reduced by the weight of that Applet. You are thus provided with an indication of the gravity of security attacks caused by browsing through certain Web sites.

To view the System Danger Level Display, revert to the main screen. The System Danger Level Display appears in the right hand sector of the Status Bar.