Every personal computer relies on a battery-powered internal digital clock (Real Time Clock or RTC) to keep track of the time and date. But the RTC only keeps track of the last two digits of the year (for example, 1999), not the century. It is generally the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) of the computer that oversees the century digits of the date (for example, 1999).
Depending on your computer, the clock and BIOS mayùor may notùbe capable of knowing the correct date when the year 2000 arrives. If your PC hardware does not know the correct date (sometimes called a rollover problem), that error will affect other aspects of your computer system.
The hardware part of your PC is essentially the foundation upon which everything else is based. Your first priority, then, is to find out if your computer's hardware is ready for the year 2000. If it is not, you will need to take action to make it ready.
Now let's take a look at your PC's SOFTWARE. |