While we can offer no solution to quickly remedy each and every potential year 2000 problem for your specific computer system, there is no reason for alarm. Many issues will be more annoying than serious. The more you become informed, the more prepared you will be to sort fact from fiction.
Information and preparation are two wonderful antidotes to alarm and fear. John Glenn, two-time American space traveler, offered this advice about worry and the futureùadvice that can be meaningfully applied to the year 2000 issue.
"...The greatest antidote to worry, whether you're getting ready for spaceflight or facing a problem of daily life, is preparation ...the more you try to envision what might happen and what your best response and options are, the more you are able to allay your fears about the future." |
Now let's take a closer look at the three areas of your computer system that can be impacted by year 2000 issues. |