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- The second issue is due to the fact that the year 2000 is a special-case leap year. This type of leap year occurs only once every 400 years and is an exception to the usual rule for determining leap years. Some computer hardware and software may not understand that the year 2000 includes the extra day of February 29, 2000.
- The third issue is due to an older programming practice of using dates to indicate special meanings or customized functions within software programs. (For example, in some programs, a special meaning was often assigned to the date 9/9/99.) It is generally older software programs found on legacy computer systems that have this problem. Programs created for personal computers are less likely to be affected by this type of year 2000 issue.
The year 2000 issue, then, is really a collection of different types of date handling issues that can affect computer systems, including personal computers, when the new century arrives. |