Microsoft Office 2000 Developer 9.0
Chinese ûtraditional and Italian contain U.S. development software.
Can applications be built with this tool that adhere to the Microsoft Year 2000 Compliance Statement?
Microsoft Office 2000 Developer consists of applications and Visual Basic for Applications Add-ins that aid in the development and distribution of Office 2000 solutions. The applications included are:
- Visual SourceSafe 6.0
- HTML Help Workshop 1.2
- Answer Wizard Builder 2.0
- Replication Manager 4.0
- Access 2000 Run Time version
- Redistributable Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE)
The VBA Add-ins included are:
- String Editor
- Package and Deployment Wizard
- VBA Error Handler
- VBA Code Commenter
- Multi-code Import
- Multi-code Export
- Win32 API Viewer
- VBA Source Code Control
- Code Librarian
How the product runtime handles dates:
The HTML Help Workshop, Answer Wizard Builder and Win32 API Viewer have no mechanisms for date parsing. Display and sorting are determined by the Regional Settings applet in the Control Panel for the operating system.
VBA Error Handler and VBA Code Commenter insert dates (as text, in the format "mm-dd-yyyy") as comments in VBA code, but do not allow for additional manipulation. The remaining VBA Add-ins have no mechanisms for date handling. See the Visual Basic for Applications 6.0 year 2000 readiness disclosure for more information.
The VBA Source Code Control Add-in relies on Visual SourceSafe for its date-related operations. A typical date operation would involve comparing a local file date/time to the date/time of the file stored in the versioning system. See the Microsoft Visual SourceSafe documentation for specific year 2000 information.
The Replication Manager and Transporter use Jet to store and manipulate data. It uses shared VBA components to perform calculations on Date/Time data.
Access 2000 runtime version year 2000 readiness information is the same as that for the Microsoft Access 2000 application.
MSDE is a SQL Server-compatible data engine available in Microsoft Access 2000 and freely re-distributable in Visual Studio 6.0 and Office Developer 2000. MSDE is based on SQL Server technology and is completely compatible with SQL Server 7.0. See the SQL Server 7.0 year 2000 compliance statement.
Recommended practices to develop year 2000 compliant applications:
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 requires Service Pack 4 plus Year 2000 Software Updates or Service Pack 5.
Two-digit shortcut handling:
Microsoft Office 2000 programs derive date information from core Office code, with exceptions by product (see the link below to Microsoft Office 2000 year 2000 readiness disclosure document). The core code uses a 100-year date window: any number before a certain point is assumed to be in the 1900s, and any number after that point is in the 2000s. Unless the user specifies otherwise, the code assumes that when a user enters a 2-digit year with a value from 00 to 29, they mean the years 2000-2029, and if they enter 30 to 99 they mean the years 1930-1999.
MSDE handles 2-digit shortcuts the same as SQL Server 7.0: dates 1/1/00 through 12/31/29 are interpreted as 1/1/2000 through 12/31/2029; 1/1/30 through 12/31/99 are interpreted as 1/1/1930 through 12/31/1999.
Visual SourceSafe 6.0 interprets two-digit shortcuts as follows: years 00 û 38 for dates 1/1/00 through 1/18/38 are converted to 2000 û 2038; years 38 û 99 for dates 1/19/38 through 12/31/99 are converted to 1938 û 1999.
Common date usage errors, testing guidelines and recommendations:
See the usage errors and testing guidelines sections of the Office 2000 year 2000 disclosure statement.
Related year 2000 readiness disclosure documents:
Year 2000 Product Guide