Creates a cylinder with hemispherical caps.
Radius: Sets the radius of the capsule.
Height: Sets the dimension along the central axis. Negative values create the capsule below the construction plane.
Overall: Determines what the Height value specifies. When Overall is chosen, the Height is the overall height of the object.
Centers: Determines what the Height value specifies. When Centers is chosen, the Height is the height of the midsection of the cylinder, not including its domed caps.
Sides: Sets the number of sides around the capsule. Higher numbers shade and render as true circles with Smooth selected. Lower numbers create regular polygonal objects with Smooth clear.
Height Segs: Sets the number of divisions along the capsule's major axis.
Smooth: When selected (the default), faces of the capsule are blended together, creating a smooth appearance in rendered views.
Slice On: Sets or clears the Slice feature. Default=clear.
When you create a slice and then uncheck Slice On, the complete capsule reappears. You can therefore use this check box to switch between the two topologies.
Slice From, Slice To: Sets the number of degrees around the local Z axis from a zero point at the local X axis.
For both settings, positive values move the end of the slice counterclockwise, negative values, clockwise. Either setting can be made first. When the ends meet, the whole capsule reappears.
Generate Mapping Coordinates: Sets up the required coordinates for applying mapped materials to the capsule. Default=clear.