Display Controls for NURBS Models

The check boxes in the General rollout for a NURBS curve or surface control how the object is displayed in viewports. If all check boxes are turned off, the NURBS object is invisible (except, when selected, for its white bounding-box indicators in shaded viewports).

Lattice: When turned on, displays control lattices, in dashed yellow lines. (You can change the lattice color by using the Colors panel of File/Preferences.) The Curve CV and Surface CV sub-object levels also have a local Display Lattice toggle, which overrides this global setting at the sub-object level. The Curve CV and Surface CV settings are independentin other words, at the sub-object level you can turn on the lattice for an object’s curves but not its surfaces, or vice versa.

Keyboard shortcut (while Plug-In Keyboard Shortcut Toggle is turned on): CTRL + H

At the object level, this shortcut is equivalent to turning Lattice on or off. At the sub-object level, CTRL + H overrides the setting of Lattice, toggling the local Display Lattice setting.

Curves: When turned on, displays curves.

Surfaces: When turned on, displays surfaces

Dependents: When turned on, displays dependent sub-objects.

Keyboard shortcut (while Plug-In Keyboard Shortcut Toggle is turned on): CTRL + D

 NURBS Creation Toolbox: Turn on to display the NURBS sub-object creation toolbox.

Keyboard shortcut (while Plug-In Keyboard Shortcut Toggle is turned on): CTRL + T