Display Properties


Provides controls that alter the display of selected objects.

The first three options reduce the geometric complexity of selected objects in a scene, resulting in faster response time because the computer has less to calculate.

See also

Link Display.


Display as Box: Toggles the display of selected objects, including 3D objects, 2D shapes, and particle systems, as bounding boxes. Produces minimum geometric complexity.

Particle systems appear as bounding boxes when adaptive degradation takes effect. Since particle systems naturally exist in world space, their bounding box is always oriented parallel to the world planes.

Backface Cull: Toggles the display of faces with normals pointing away from view. When selected, you see through the wireframe to the back faces. Applies to Wireframe viewport display only.

Edges Only: Toggles the display of face edges. When set, only faces appear. When clear, all mesh geometry appears. Applies to Wireframe viewport display only.

Vertex Ticks: Displays the vertices in the selected geometry as tick marks.

If the current selection has no displayed tick marks, the check box is clear. If some of the vertices in the current selection display tick marks, the check box contains a gray X. If all vertices in the current selection display tick marks, the check box contains a black X.

Trajectory: Toggles trajectory display for the selected object so you can display its trajectory wherever you are in 3D Studio MAX.

Vertex Colors: Displays the effect of assigned vertex colors. You assign vertex colors in the editable mesh in vertex or face sub-object level.

The Shaded button determines whether the object with the assigned vertex colors appears shaded in the viewport. When this button is off, the colors are unshaded and appear in their pure RGB values, looking a little like self-illuminated materials. When the Shaded button is on, the colors appear like any other assigned color in the viewports.

How To

To display Trajectories using the Display panel

  1. Select one or more objects.
  2. Expand the Display Properties rollout in the Display panel.
  3. Set Trajectory On.

By default, object trajectories appear with the following properties:

You can change the colors for these items on the Colors page of the Preferences dialog box.