Files Preferences

Sets preferences relating to file handling.


The Files preferences panel contains the following options:

File Handling

Backup on Save: Creates a backup file if a file of the same name already exists. The existing file is renamed "MaxBack.bak" and placed in the 3DSMAX directory before the save occurs.

Increment on Save: Creates a new copy of the file in the same directory when you save. The name of the new file is incremented by 1 (filename01.max, filename02.max, and so on).

Recent Files in File Menu: Specifies the number of recently-numbered files to display at the bottom of the File menu.

Save Viewport Thumbnail Image: Saves a 64-pixel thumbnail of the active viewport when you save each .max file. The thumbnail can be read by the Asset Manager utility. Saving thumbnails adds about 9K to each .max file.

Auto Backup

The Auto Backup system creates files (where N is an integer from 1-9), based on a time interval. For example, if you’ve set it for three Autobak files at one-minute intervals (the default), it will create, then a minute later, and then At minute four, it will overwrite, etc.

At this setting, you’d lose only one minute’s work and keep disk space use to a minimum.

Enable: Enables the Auto Backup system.

Number of Autobak Files: Determines how many backup files to write before overwriting the first one. This spinner can range from 1-9.

Backup Interval: Determines the number of minutes between backup file generation.

Archive System

Program: Specifies the name and location of the program to use for archiving. The program must be one you have independently installed on your system. You can add command line arguments to follow the executable file name. For example, for pkzip, the arguments might be: c:proj0?.max -o

How To

To set file preferences