General Path Configuration

Set the paths for many file types used by 3D Studio MAX.


You can set paths for the following purposes:

Autoback: Default path for your auto-backup files. If you use the Auto Backup feature, use either the \Autoback directory, which is specific to each running version of 3D Studio MAX, or a directory that’s not shared by any other machine.

Export: Saving scenes you export to other file formats.

Expressions: Loading and saving text files used by expression controllers.

Fonts: Loading font files.

HEIDI Drivers: The path for your HEIDI drivers. If you have a network of machines, each using different HEIDI-driven display boards, you can point all machines to a single directory. This lets you upgrade your drivers in a single directory for all machines on your network.

Help: Loading online help files.

Images: Saving and viewing image files.

Import: Loading files you import from other programs.

Materials: Material library .mat files. Material library files that are created or updated in 3D Studio MAX release 2, cannot be used in earlier versions of 3D Studio MAX. If you load a materials library from release 1.x into 3D Studio MAX release 2, and then click the Put to Library button to save a material or click the Save button in the Browser, that library will be updated and no longer available in previous versions of 3D Studio MAX.

MaxStart: Loading maxstart.max that provides initial 3D Studio MAX scene settings.

PlugCFG: Loading plug-in configuration files.

Previews: Saving and viewing animation files rendered with preview renderer.

Scenes: Opening and saving 3D Studio MAX scene files.

Sounds: Loading sound files.

Video Post: Opening and saving Video Post queues.

How To

To set up general path configuration

To modify a file path

  1. Choose a path entry.
  2. Click Modify.
  3. Do either of the following: