Glow Parameters

The glow of a lens flare is centered around the source object of the flare. The glow parameters let you control each aspect of the glow.

The glow settings use radial, circular, transparency, and size gradients. Glow gradients are subtler than flare gradients, because they are glowing an area larger than a pixel.


Size: Specifies the diameter of the glow of the lens flare as a percentage of the overall size of the frame. This value is separate from the overall size value set in the Lens Flare Properties . To animate the glow size, click the A button next to the spinner. The animated values can be adjusted in TrackView.

Glow Radial Color: Determines the color of the glow from the center of the glow to the outer edge. The left side of the gradient (0%) represents the center of the glow and the right side of the gradient (100%) represents the outer edge of the glow.

Glow Radial Transparency: Determines the transparency of the glow from the center of the glow to the outer edge. Only the whiteness values of the color are used. Brighter colors represent more opaque areas of the glow, where darker colors represent more transparent areas.

Glow Circular Color: Controls the color of the glow in a circular method, instead of a radial method, producing a gradient with a wide variety of colors. The gradient starts at the north position and proceeds clockwise.

Glow Circular Transparency: Controls the transparency of the glow in a circular method, instead of a radial method. The gradient starts at the north position and proceeds clockwise.

As the gradient progresses towards the interior, the circumference gets smaller, produces less variation in the gradients, and creates a subtle curve effect. To produce a linear effect, add gradient flags before and after the key flags.

Glow Radial Size: Controls the size of the radius of the glow. A darker color is interpreted as a smaller radius and a white color is interpreted as a larger radius. The gradient uses only the whiteness values of the colors.

You can set one or all of the gradients. The glow is composited on top of other parts of the lens flare. When you set the compositing methods, the radial color and circular color are locked (they use the same method). Radial transparency and circular transparency use the same compositing method.