LenzFX Gradients

A gradient is a linear transition from one color to another, as shown below. LenzFX MAX uses gradients to control aspects of the lens flares, such as colors and transparency. LenzFX uses several gradient types.


This gradient runs from pure white to a red color, then to a blue. Gradients are always interpreted left to right in this system.

The critical points in a gradient are marked by flags at the bottom of the gradient bar. The flags indicate points where you want to have a specific color. The colors between the flags are interpolated automatically by the system. The current flag is highlighted and green. The number at the right of the gradient bar indicates the position of the current flag, in relation to the overall length of the gradient.

A gradient always has a start and end flag. You can add as many intermediate flags as you like.

You can place flags on top of one another to create interesting layered gradient effects, as shown below.


To change the properties for a gradient flag, right-click the flag you want to change and choose Properties. To change gradient options, right-click the gradient itself, not the flags.


The Properties dialog lets you change the name of the flag, its color, and its position.

Name: By default, flags are named Flag #. You can enter a different name for the current flag. The arrows to the right of the name box let you choose other flags on the same gradient.

Color: Click the color swatch to display the color picker and choose a different color. The green arrow to the left of the color swatch indicates whether this property of the flag is animatable and whether it shows up in TrackView.

Position: Each gradient has 100 possible positions from left to right. The position option is animatable.

How To

To add an intermediate flag

The flag uses the color of the gradient at the point where you placed it. To adjust the color, right-click the flag and use the Properties dialog.

To adjust the position of a flag

The gradient updates to show you the changes.

To delete a flag

The flag turns red, and the mouse point changes to a down arrow pointing to a bucket. When you let go of the mouse button, the flag is deleted.

To change a flag’s properties

  1. Right-click the flag to display a menu
  2. Click Properties and change any settings you want.