Gradient Options


Each gradient in LenzFX has a set of common options. To change gradient options, right-click the gradient itself, not the flags.


Reset: Resets the gradient back to a default solid gray. This action cannot be undone.

Load Gradient: Displays a file open dialog box where you can load a particular gradient. Gradients are saved with a .DGR extension.

Save Gradient: Displays a file save as dialog box where you can specify the path and filename for the gradient.

Load UV Map: Lets you load a bitmap image and use the varying colors of the bitmap as an animated gradient. LenzFX divides the total number of frames in the animation segment by the number of horizontal lines in the image. The resulting number determines which horizontal lines of the bitmap are used as gradients in LenzFX. For example, if the number of horizontal lines divided by the total number of frames results in 2, every other line of the bitmap will be used as a gradient. As the animation progresses, the next frame uses the next available line of the bitmap image as its gradient.

Flag Mode: Indicates you are using flags to adjust the colors of gradients, instead of a bitmap.

Compositing Methods: There are five color compositing methods. Each method works on a pixel-by-pixel basis when there are two or more overlapping colors. The compositing methods define how the colors are combined into a single color. When combining the colors, the algorithms evaluate each color channel of the color to find the end result. The default method is Low Value.

High Value: Selects the higher color value of the two colors. For example, if you had a color with RGB values of 255,210,255 and another with 225,240,225, the resulting color would be 255,240,255. This option generally results in a slightly brighter lens flare than the default settings.

Average: Calculates an average value between the colors. In the example above, the resulting color would be 240, 225, 240. This option generally results in a lens flare that is brighter than the default, but not as bright as High Value.

Low Value: Selects the lower color values, resulting in less intense lens flare and a more subtle overall effect. In the example above, the resulting color would be 225,240,225.

Additive: Adds colors values together, producing the brightest and most brilliant colors in a lens flare.

Subtractive: Subtracts colors values from each other, resulting in slightly muted and less intense colors.

These compositing methods may be applied to all types of gradients, except size gradients. The type of compositing being used for a gradient is noted above the gradient bar.

Compositing methods are applied to every gradient. Some gradients are linked together, so if you assign a specific compositing method to one, the compositing method is automatically assigned to the other.