Managing Jobs in the Queue

Reordering lets you change the job order in the queue to meet changing deadlines or priorities. Jobs can be deleted from the queue at any time.


You can drag a job to a new location in the queue. Other jobs in the Queue are highlighted as your mouse passes over them. Depending on the Drag & Drop setting in your Queue Manager’s User Preferences dialog, the highlighted job determines where the job being moved is placed when the mouse button is released. For example, if Drag and Drop is set to Above, the job will be placed directly above the highlighted job in the Queue when the mouse button is released.

How To

To re-order a job in the queue

  1. In the hierarchy window of the Queue Manager, highlight the job to move.
  2. Hold down the mouse button, drag the job to the new location, and release the mouse button.

To delete a single job from the job queue, do one of the following

Depending on your User Preferences settings, you may need to confirm the deletion.

To delete all jobs currently displayed in the queue

Next Step:

Setting Up Queue Manager User Preferences