Controls animation using a MIDI device.
Contains 16 buttons. Click to specify the channel to which your MIDI device is assigned.
MIDI Trigger Area:
In this area, you define the type of MIDI event (message) that will drive the motion. There are four options.
Note : When this option is chosen, the note number or pitch defines the output value. The value is derived from where the note falls within the Note Range, specified in the area below. When the note is at the bottom of the range, the value takes on the Min value specified in the Parameter Scaling area. When the note is at the top of the range, the value takes on the Max value from the same area. Anything in between is interpolated between the Min and Max values. (Note that Min doesn’t have to be less than Max.) The generated value will slide around as different keys are pressed. The harder a key is pressed, the faster the value changes. The Speed setting defines how fast, overall, the value changes as keys are pressed.
Velocity: When this option is chosen, the velocity of the note pressed determines the output value. The notes set in the Note Range area merely specify which notes are valid to press. The value takes on the Min value until a key within the Note Range is pressed. When the key is pressed, the value approaches the Max value based on how hard the key was pressed. (The value actually travels along a parabola toward the Max value.) The Sustain setting defines how long it takes the value to move through the parabola. When the Variable check box is chosen, the sustain length is also scaled by how hard the key was pressed.
Pitch Bend: The MIDI instrument's pitch bend knob defines the value. The Note Range doesn't apply in this case and is disabled.
MIDI Controller: Use this option to specify a note event when you’re hooked up to a different type of MIDI controller than the typical keyboard. For example, if you’re using a MIDI slider box, you would select the MIDI Controller option, and then use the # spinner to specify the note event for the specify slider.
# (spinner)
Low Note/ High Note: Set these to specify the low and high ends of the note range when the Note option in the MIDI Trigger Area is chosen.
Contains the Min and Max spinners, which specify the range of generated values. See Note and Velocity, above.
MIDI Channel Viewer: Displays a sub-dialog that lets you test your MIDI device to see which MIDI channel is receiving events, and which notes are being triggered.
Provides a column of 16 buttons and progress bars represent the 16 MIDI channels. Select the channel from which you want to view note activity. The channel progress bars light up when any channel has an event.
The 11 Octave buttons let you select which octave you want to view. When a note is played in that octave, a corresponding progress bar lights up in the Note column.
MIDI Controller #: When using a different type of MIDI controller, such as a slider box, you can specify a note event, and then watch the corresponding progress bar light up when you activate that event. (You can find the correct note number by activating the event while watching the Note Number field in the area below.)
Channel: This is one of four text fields that display all of the values being generated by the MIDI device as you activate an event. The Channel field displays the currently selected channel.
Event: Displays the type of MIDI event being sent. This can be:
Note On: 9
Note Off: 8
Pitch Bend: 14
MIDI Controller: 11
Velocity: Displays the velocity, which has a different meaning, depending on the event. For the most common event, a note being pressed, this value represents the velocity at which the key was struck. Other events, however, might generate a continuous value. For example, a pitch bend event transmits the position of the pitch bend.
Note Number : Displays the corresponding note number for the event. When you’re using a non-keyboard MIDI device, such as a slider box, you can use this to identify the note numberof a specific slider, for example.