MIDI Time Slider Control Setup

This dialog is displayed from the Animation Preferences dialog box. It lets you specify and set up a MIDI device.


The MIDI Time Slider Control Setup dialog contains the following options:

Presets: Specifies the type of MIDI device used. You can choose the Media Control Station 2, which is a MIDI device containing standard VCR-style playback buttons along with a jog wheel, or you can choose Custom, which lets you specify note events in the spinners. You can also use Custom to customize the buttons used by the Media Control Station.

Channel: Specifies the channel to which your MIDI device is assigned.

Note Number

The spinners in this area let you specify which note event triggers which function.

Start Frame: Goes to the start frame (the Rewind button in the Media Control Station).

End Frame: Goes to the end frame (the Fast-Forward button in the Media Control Station).

Step Forward: Moves one frame forward (the Fast-Forward button and Option button in the Media Control Station).

Step Backward: Moves one frame back (the Rewind button and Option button in the Media Control Station).

Stop: Stops playback (the square button).

Play: Plays the animation (the arrow button).

Jog Wheel: Controls the time slider with the jog wheel.

Sensitivity: The number of ticks that the time slider is moved in response to one unit of movement from the jog wheel. A lower value provides more precise positioning of the time slider, while a higher value makes the time slider move faster. If you set your time display to show ticks and set the sensitivity to 1, you can move one tick at a time with the jog wheel.

How To

To use a MIDI device to control the animation time slider

  1. Choose File/Preferences and click the Animation tab.
  2. Under MIDI Time Slider Control, select On.
  3. Click the Setup button.
  4. Set the MIDI device options and click OK.