NavInfo (VRML)

The NavInfo rollout lets you tell the browser how to navigate around the VRML 2.0 world.


The NavInfo rollout contains the following options:

Type: Specifies the type of movement (Walk, Examine, Fly, and None) for navigating the world. Implementation of these movement types may vary from browser to browser.

Headlight: Places a directional light at the viewpoint. The light always points in the direction the user is looking. Don’t use this option if you have lights in the scene.

Visibility Limit: Sets the far clipping plane. Any geometry beyond this point is invisible. A value of 0 makes everything in the scene visible. Use this option to show just part of large scenes.

Speed: Determines the speed of navigation in 3D Studio MAX units per second. Use this option to allow the user to travel faster, if you’re building a large world (like a cityscape), and slower, if you’re building a small world (like a room).

Avatar Size: Specifies the user's physical dimensions in the world, to detect collision distance and follow terrain.

Collision: Specifies the allowable distance between the user's position and any collision geometry before a collision is detected. For example, you can set this so that a collision is detected one unit in front of a wall.

Terrain: Specifies the height above the surface to maintain when following terrain.

Step Height: Specifies the highest object that can be "stepped over." If an object like a staircase has steps that are lower than this value, the user can go up.

Icon Size: Adjusts the size of the helper object in the MAX viewports