This world space modifier deforms an object based on a shape spline or NURBS curvea path. With the following exceptions, this world space modifier works the same as the PathDeform modifier. See the PathDeform modifier for a detailed description and reference of how Path Deform works.
Since this is a world space rather than an object space modifier, the object is affected in world space coordinates, and also affected by the relative position of the path to the object. Thus, if you transform the object relative to the path, or vice-versa, it has an affect on the deformation.
Generally speaking, this WSM Path Deform leaves the path in place while moving the object to the path, while the Path Deform modifier leaves the object in place while moving the path to the object.
There’s an additional Move to Path button in the command panel. Click this to move the object from its original position to the start of the path. Note that, when you first pick a path, the object is deformed by the path based on the offset distance between the first vertex in the path and the object’s location. Thus, as you adjust the Percent spinner, for example, the result will be distorted depending on the offset distance.
Important: Using the Move to Path button applies a transform to the object that’s not removed if you later remove the Path Deform binding from the object. (Although you can Undo the transform immediately after it’s been performed.) If the Animate button is on when you perform Move to Path, transform keys are created.
Note: This version of Path Deform replaces the space-warp version that shipped with previous versions of 3DS MAX, and it uses slightly different algorithms. As a result, when you load a scene containing an old Path Deform, the affected object will appear in a different location. To fix this, simply select the object, and then open the Modify panel, and go to the Path Deform level in the Stack. The object will jump to its correct position. You can also delete the original space warp icon, since it’s no longer used.
In the above example, a copy of the path was moved to the object, which remained, more or less, in place while being deformed by the path. The WSM version of the Path Deform modifier leaves the path in place, and moves the object.
The text object flips around and moves in world space. Note that its orientation and deformation are difficult to analyze because there’s an offset distance between the path and the object. You’ll remove that in the next step.
The text object is transformed so that its local Z axis is aligned with the path and its position is at the first vertex of the path.
In the following steps, you’ll use various controls to re-orient the text object so that it’s at the front of the circle and readable from the Front viewport.
The cone grows along the path, like a vine.