Position XYZ Controller


This Position controller splits the X, Y, and Z components into three separate tracks (similarly to the Euler XYZ Rotation controller). This provides separate control of the three tracks when referenced from expression controllers.


Motion Panel/Parameters/Position XYZ Parameters rollout:


X: Click to display controller properties for X axis transformation.

Y: Click to display controller properties for Y axis transformation.

Z: Click to display controller properties for Z axis transformation.

When an axis is selected, a Key Info (Basic) and Key Info (Advanced) rollout is available to change values.

A Bezier Float Controller is assigned to each track by default. Use Key Info (Basic) and Key Info (Advanced) to control how the keys behave. See the Bezier Controller topic for further information.

How To

To use the Position XYZ and Noise controller together:

  1. Create a sphere.
  2. In the Motion Panel/Parameters/Assign Controller rollout select the Position track of the sphere.
  3. Click the Assign Controller button and choose Position XYZ.
  4. Turn the animate button on and create 3 keys that move the sphere on the XY plane.
  5. In the Assign Controller rollout, expand the position track and select Z Position.
  6. Click the Assign Controller button, then select Noise Float.
  7. Play the animation. The sphere moves around the keys that were created earlier. The random up and down movement in the Z axis is generated by the noise controller on the Z track.
  8. This effect can also be created using the List Controller to combine controllers.