Show Tangents


Show Tangents allows you to adjust the tangents of the selected vertices in Function Curves mode. Selected keys must have the Bezier Controller with Custom tangent type assigned.

Custom Tangent

You can assign the Custom Tangent type only to items using a Bezier controller. The easiest way to tell whether a displayed function curve uses a Bezier controller is to turn on the Controller Types filter.

The tangent handles can be either continuous or discontinuous.

The function curve, and the animation it represents, moves smoothly through a key with continuous tangent handles.

Converting a discontinuous tangent to a continuous tangent requires changing the tangent type from Custom to Smooth and back to Custom again. Note that this technique is performed at the key level and can affect unselected vertices if they belong to the same key as one of the selected vertices.


Show Tangents: Allows you to adjust the tangents of the selected vertices.

By holding down the SHIFT key, you can edit the tangents of a vertex separately.

How To

To assign a Custom tangent type:

Put Track View into Function Curves mode.

  1. In the Track View hierarchy list, select a track that uses a Bezier controller (a position track, for example).
  2. Select one or more keys on the curve.
  3. Click Properties in the Track View toolbar to display the Key Info dialog.
  4. Choose the Custom tangent type from either the In or Out flyouts at the bottom of the Key Info dialog.
  5. Tangent handles appear on the selected vertices.

To drag continuous tangent handles:

Use any of the Move Keys buttons to drag either end of a continuous tangent handle. You can use the Lock Tangents button and the SHIFT key to modify the effect of dragging the tangent handles.

  1. 1 To drag continuous tangent handles:
  2. Click one of the Move Keys buttons.
  3. Select one or more keys.
  4. Click Lock Tangents to set one of the following modes:
  5. Inactive: Dragging a tangent handle affects only the single key displaying the handle.

    Active: Dragging a tangent handle affects the handles of all selected keys.

  6. Drag either end of the handles to rotate both handles about the key location or press SHIFT and drag the end of one handle to break continuity and rotate only that handle about the key location.