Surf Point

Creates a dependent point that lies on a surface or relative to it. (This is available only in Surface objects, not Curves.)


When you turn on the Surf Point button, or while a surface point sub-object is selected, the Surface Point rollout appears. These controls are similar to the Curve Point controls.

The point can either be on the surface or off the surface. If it is on the curve, the U Position and V Position control its location. This is a location on the surface, based on the surface’s local UV coordinates). There are three ways to displace the point’s location relative to its UV position:

Offset moves the point according to a relative (object space) X,Y,Z location.

Normal moves the point along the direction of the curve’s normal. (Negative values move it opposite to the normal.)

Tangent moves the point along the tangent of the UV position.

How To

To create a dependent surf point: