Creates a camera with a target
Target Cameras view the area around the target object that you place when you create the camera. Target cameras are easier to aim. Use them when the camera and its target don't move. You can animate both the target camera and its target, but target cameras can't bank while following a path the way Free Cameras can.
The distance from the camera to the target is displayed at the bottom of the Parameters rollout. This distance is not an animatable parameter (on the other hand, you can animate the target object’s location).
Clicking the line that connects the camera and its target selects both objects. However, region selection doesn’t recognize the link line.
When you rename a target camera, the target is automatically renamed to match. For example, renaming Camera01 to Rolli causes Camera01.Target to become Rolli.Target. The target’s name must have the extension .Target. Renaming the target object does not rename the camera object.
The camera is now part of the scene. It is always aimed at the target, which is a separate 3D Studio MAX object.