Time Configuration


Provides access to settings for animation creation and playback.


You can also display this dialog by right-clicking any of the time control buttons to the right of the Animate button.

Frame Rate

These four option buttons, labeled NTSC, Film, PAL, and Custom let you set the frame rate in frames-per-second (FPS). The first three buttons force the standard FPS for that choice. The Custom button lets you specify your own FPS by adjusting the spinner.

Time Display

Specifies the method by which time will be displayed in the Time Slider and throughout the program (in frames, in SMPTE, in frames and ticks, or in minutes, seconds, and ticks). For example, if the Time Slider is at frame 35, and the Frame Rate is set to NTSC, the Time Slider would display the following numbers for the different Time Display settings:


Real Time: Causes viewport playback to skip frames to keep up with the current Frame Rate setting. There are 5 playback speeds. 1x is normal speed, 1/2x is half speed and so on. The speed settings affect only the playback in the viewports. These speed settings can also be used with the Motion Capture utility.

When Real Time is not selected, all frames are displayed during viewport playback.

Active Viewport Only: Causes playback to occur only in the active viewport. When clear, all viewports display animation.


Start Time/End Time: Sets the active time segment displayed in the Time Slider. Choose any time segment before or after frame 0. For example, you can set an active time segment from -50 to 250.

Length: Displays the number of frames in the active time segment. If you make this greater than the total frames in the active segment, the End Time field increases accordingly.

Current Time: Specifies the current frame for the time slider. As you adjust this, the time slider moves accordingly.

Re-scale Time: Stretches or shrinks the animation for the active time segment to fit into the new time segment you specify. Relocates the position of all keys in all tracks. As a result, the animation plays over a greater or lesser number of frames, making it faster or slower.

Key Steps

Lets you configure the method used when you turn on Key Mode.

Selected Objects Only: Considers only the transforms of the selected objects when you use Key Steps mode. The check box is set by default. If you clear it, the transforms of all (unhidden) objects in the scene are considered.

Use Current Transform: Disables Position, Rotation, and Scale and uses the current transform in Key Mode. For example, if the Rotate button is selected in the toolbar, you stop at each rotation key. If none of the three transform buttons are on, Key Mode considers all transforms.

Position, Rotation, Scale: Specifies which transforms are considered by Key Mode. Clear Use Current Transform to make the Position, Rotation, and Scale check boxes available.

How To

To display the Time Configuration dialog

To set the active time segment

  1. Click Time Configuration.
  2. Set Start Time to specify the beginning of your active time segment.
  3. Do one of the following:
  4. You can enter positive or negative values in any spinner, but you must use the same format used by the time display.

    You can change the active time segment without affecting the keys you've created. For example, if you have keys scattered over a range of 1000 frames, you can narrow your active time segment to work on only frames 150-300.

    Changing the active time segment has the following effects:

    The default setting for the active time segment runs from frames 0 to 100, but you can set it to any range.

To move to an exact time using the Current Frame field

To move to an exact time using the Time Configuration dialog

  1. Click Time Configuration.
  2. Enter a time value in the Current Time field.

To configure Key Mode

  1. Click Time Configuration.
  2. Adjust the controls in the Key Steps area.

To set the frame rate of your animation

  1. Click Time Configuration.
  2. In the Frame Rate area of the dialog do one of the following:

To configure viewport playback

  1. Click Time Configuration.
  2. In the Playback area, select or clear the Real Time and Active Viewport Only boxes.