Working with the MAX Rendering Environment
Working with Named Selection Sets
Overview - the MAXWrapper Class Family
Creating MAX Objects
MAX Object Properties and Access Schemes
Support for 3rd-Party Plug-in
Scene Objects (Nodes)
Creating Scene Objects
Common Node Properties
Context Expressions and Their Effects on Node Properties
Accessing Special node Properties
Modifiers and the Modifier Stack
Property Animation Controllers
Animation Keyframes
Navigating and Creating Node Hierarchies
Cloning Nodes
Editable Meshes
Creating Meshes
Derving Meshes from Other Objects
Meshes and the Modifier Stack
Mesh Access Functions
Bezier Curves and Shapes in General
Creating Curves
Curve Interpolation and its Uses
Curve Access Functions
NURBS Curves and Surface
Creating Modifiers
Working with an Object's Modifier Stack
Cloning Modifiers and Setting up Instancing and Referencing
Creating Controllers
Getting at Existing Controllers
Controller Functions
Controller Functions that Operate on Trackview Hierarchies
Accessing Keyframes on Exisiting Controllers
Keyframe Arrays
Working with Standard Keys: Linear, Bezier, TCB
Materials and Material Libraries