Working with the MAX Rendering Environment

You can use the following functions for maintaining the list of atmospherics in the global rendering environment:

addAtmospheric <atmos>

adds the atmospheric

getAtmospheric <index>

gets the indexed atmospheric. Index is 1-based.

setAtmospheric <index> <atmos>

sets the indexed atmospheric

deleteAtmospheric <index>

The global MAX variable numAtmospherics gives you the number of current atmospherics in the rendering environment.

The following global MAX variables give you access to the global rendering environment:

backgroundColor      : color

backgroundColorController      : color controller

ambientColor      : color

ambientColorController      : color controller

environmentMap      : texture map

useEnvironmentMap      : boolean on/off

numAtmospherics      : integer, readonly


ambientColor = color 10 10 25

environmentMap = bitmapTexture filename:"foo.bmp"