Problem Solving & Support
Most Common Problems
Problem: The sounds play only once or twice and then silence!
Solution: This happens all the time due to computers shipping with uncertified soundcard
drivers! There are two things you must do to solve this problem. The first is to go to
your soundcard manufactorer's web page and download and install the newest driver updates for your
soundcard. The second step is to download the latest consumer version of
DirectX at and install it. You will have to know what your soundcard make and model number is,
and also you will have to know the manufactorer's web page address, how to download, and
how to run an installation program.
Mouse Problems
Problem: The mouse cursor disappears!
Solution: This is normal, nothing is wrong. Hit the ALT key or the F10
function key to get the mouse cursor back and go into WindowsÖ mode. Because
you can play the game with the mouse, if the mouse cursor didn't disappear,
you'd move it to another window and activate another program in the
middle of gameplay. Therefore, the mouse cursor must disappear to play
the game with the mouse.
Performance Problems
Problem: The program runs too slow. The graphics are too 'choppy'!
Solution: Try running the game in low-res fullscreen mode (from the Main Menu choose 'Options'
and then choose Low-Res). If you wish the run the game in a window, make the window
smaller. From inside the program's 'Game Setup' menu, also be sure to turn off any
other special effects.
Problem: The game crashes when I try to take a screen shot with the F9 key!
Solution: Some versions of the 3dfx Open GL drivers
have a bug which causes the program to crash
when taking a screen shot with the F9 key.
Look for new Voodoo3 drivers in the future
that will fix this problem.
Graphics Problems
Problem: Screen colors look ugly, fonts hard to read, screen object arrangement is weird.
Solution: This game requires a video card with at least High Color (16 Bit) mode.
Problem: The game displays a blank screen!
Solution: This happens due to computers shipping with uncertified videocard
drivers! There are two things you must do to solve this problem. The first is to go to
your videocard manufactorer's web page and download and install the newest driver updates for your
card. The second step is to download the latest consumer version of
DirectX at and install it. You will have to know what your videocard make and model number is,
and also you will have to know the manufactorer's web page address, how to download, and
how to run an installation program.
Problem: How do I change my video mode to High Color (16 Bit) mode?
Solution: Right-click on the desktop and select the 'Properties' option. Then, select the
'Settings' tab at the top of the 'Display Properties' dialog. Under 'Color palette', choose
'High Color (16 Bit)' and hit the 'Ok' button. There is also another way to get to the 'Display Properties'
dialogà you can also go to the 'Control Panel' and double-click on the 'Display' icon.
IMPORTANT! Depending on your video card, the properties display pictured on the right may look different.
Installation Problems
Problem: Every time you try and run the game, it tries to install it again.
Solution: You keep re-running the installation program. You only have to run the installation once. After the game is installed on your system, look for it on your local hard drive or from the 'Start' menu on the WindowsÖ desktop.
Problem: I can't find the installation program. Where do I start?
Solution: This is a tough question, because we would have no idea of where you put the installation program on your
system. Try to look for the installation program where you typically find downloaded programs. Please do not call us
and ask this question, because we will have no way to help you.
Problem: When I try to run the game, I get the error "CAN'T FIND DINPUT.DLL".
Solution: You need to install DirectXÖ 5.0 (or higher) on your computer. DirectXÖ is a set of libraries provided
by MicrosoftÖ and it's now part of WindowsÖ. Older versions of WindowsÖ may be missing DirectXÖ. The
DirectXÖ installation program should be provided on the game CD. If you can't find it there, you can also
find a link to an installable version of DirectXÖ at
Sound Problems
Problem: Sound effects won't play at all.
Solution: Run the Media Player application that comes with Windows and use it to play any wave file (try "c:\windows\tada.wav"). If the Media Player fails to play a .WAV file then there is a general problem with your configuration to be solved. You will want to refer to Windows and sound card documentation to determine how to configure your system.
General Problems
Problem: The game responds too slow.
Solution: Try using a lower resolution (choose Low-Res from the 'Options' menu). Only the
fastest computers can run 3D games in high resolutions. Also be sure to use "High Color (16 Bit)"
mode to help speed up the game's response. From the program's 'Game Setup' menu, also be
sure to turn off any special effects.
Problem: The game locks up, crashes, or causes system errors.
Solution: Make sure DirectXÖ 5.0 (or higher) is installed on your machine. Turn off the
music and sound effects. If the game doesn't lock up without music and sound effects, it is
possible that sound is not configured properly on your system. If the game locks up with
music and sound effects off, try running the game without any other programs running.
Reboot Windows after any errors.
Problem: I can't figure out how to get past this #$!@#$ level!
Solution: Please don't call us! The whole point of playing a game is figuring it out
yourself!! If you have Internet access, some good Usenet newsgroups to post
questions to are and Look for a hints and
tips page for this game on the Webfoot homepage at
Problem: The F4 key doesn't work so I can't switch to windowed mode.
Solution: If you are running the game using 3D hardware acceleration, then you can only
run in high-resolution fullscreen mode.