
Game Results


Nov 11, 95 AustriaLoss [ 0 - 1]
Dec 12, 95 YugoslaviaLoss [ 0 - 3 ]
March 3, 96 SwitzerlamdWin [ 2 - 0 ]
April 6, 96 AustriaTie [ 0 - 0]
May 4, 96 SwitzerlandLoss [ 3 - 1 ]
June 1, 96Slovenia -

May 4, 1996

Played at Geneva on May 4 , at 5 pm


Switzerland scored in 25' , 35' both with header and the third goal scored by Xouroytzidoy Tatiana against her own team Greek team scored in 30' by Lazarou Maria with a left faul kick In 43' Xatziordanou Biki, saved her team catching a penalty kick

April 6, 1996





For 7 group for the European championship
Played at Ormilia Xalkidiki on April 6 at 5.00 pm.
The two teams played in a wet field in front of 2000 people. Austria want a tie so play defensive.

Greece want to win but the turf didn't help them.



Toudor Tseloy--Moldavia
Giakoblev Andreas--Moldavia
Kratzvosan Genanti--Moldavia

Best players for the two teams were the two goalkeepers.

Biki Xantziordanou the Greek Goalkeeper saved two times at 9' and 65' minutes. Also Skoutari, Brisimi and Neti played very well for the Greek national team.

For Austria Ursoula Kampes saved her goalpost many times and also the libero Santl Gabriela and Failkner Elena were the best players.

April 3, 1996

National Team plays Austria in Ormilia Xalkidiki on April 6 in the # 7 group of the European championship. Greece want to double their wins to have a chance to pass in the next round.

National Team Coach Mimis Benardos has chosen the following 18 players for that game:

Xatziordanou BikiOlymbiada '96 SalonicaGoalkeeper
Skarlatou BikiAO PeristeriGoalkeeper
Drouga HelenOlymbiada '96 SalonicaForward
Georgi HelenOlymbiada '96 SalonicaForward
Mprisimi LitsaOlymbiada '96 SalonicaDefender
Lazarou MariaA.O.Hlioupoli SalonikaForward
Xouroutzidou TatianaA.O.HlioupoliDefender
Xristoudi KomiA.O.HlioupoliMiddlefielder
Jirou FotiniDoxa PiraeusMiddlefielder
Skoutari ArtemisDoxa PiraeusMiddlefielder
Albani ErmioniKavala '86Middlefielder
Karageorgiou SofiaKavala' 86Middlefielder
Drakou KaterinaDoxa PiraeusForward
Neti KikiKalamataMiddlefielder
Soupiadou BikiRodopi '87Middlefielder
Lekka MariaDoja PiraeusDefender
Kosmadaki EfiAO PeristeriDefender
PapadopoylouHephaestus PeristeriForward

March 3, 1996

Greek National Team Celebrates It's First Win Ever in European Championship Games
after 5 years of participation, beating Switzerland 2-0 in Group 7





Played at Patra on March 2, at 3.30 pm.

The two teams played under rain. Switzerland was in the first place of the group with two wins and was the pre-match favourite.

The Greek team played with strength and passion to win; bringing cause for celebration by all in Greek women's soccer.


38' Drouga Helen, with a left kick
43' Soupiadou Biki, with a diving header in front of the feet of the Swiss Goalkeeper
In 47' Lazarou Maria missed a penalty kick .


  1. Lesko
  2. Bone
  3. Beren
  4. Brunere
  5. Debol
  6. Basecere
  7. Stainekere
  8. Konblere
  9. Meyere
  10. Spinnere
  11. Sillere

Tsitsiana Kalamoska (Italy)
Xanthi Konstadinidou

March 2, 1996

National Team plays Switzerland in Patra on March 2. in the # 7 group of the European championship.

National Team Coach Mimis Benardos has chosen the following 16 players for that game:

Xatziordanou BikiOlymbiada '96 SalonicaGoalkeeper
Argiropoulou Doxa PiraeusGoalkeeper
Drouga HelenOlymbiada '96 SalonicaForward
Mprisimi LitsaOlymbiada '96 SalonicaDefender
Lazarou MariaA.O.Hlioupoli SalonikaForward
Xouroutzidou TatiA.O.Hlioupoli SalonikaDefender
Xristoudi KomiA.O.Hlioupoli SalonikaMiddlefielder
Mixailidou EfiA.O.Hlioupoli SalonikaDefender
Jirou Fotini Doxa PiraeusMiddlefielder
Skoutari ArtemiDoxa PiraeusMiddlefielder
Albani ErmioniKavala '86Middlefielder
Drakou KaterinaDoxa PiraeusForward
Orfanidou Souzana Doxa PiraeusDefender
Neti KikiKalamataMiddlefielder
Soupiadou Biki Rodopi ' 87Middlefielder

February 13 and 14, 1996

Mimis Benardos trained a pool of 30 players in Salonica, and will choose 16 of them to play Switzerland in a European Championship game on March 2, 1996.

History of Women's Soccer in Greece

Women's soccer in Greece started in the autumn of 1979 and it's progress can be divided into three separate periods of time.

First period (1979-1982)

It started with the creation of the OLYMPIADA team in Salonica, named after the mother of the ancient Greek king of Macedonia; Alexander the Great.

During the next year three other teams, OLYMPIADA Kifisias, PANATHINAIKOS, and AEK Liosia were formed in Athens, plus a team in Salonica named Thessaloniki '80. During this period eight other teams were created in other cities but had few games. These teams were OLYMPIADA Athens, AE Didimotixo, Diagoras Dasoxori Serres, Hercules Edessa, Artemis Drapetsona, Apollo Athens, AE Xaidari, and AE Kalamaki.

They played each other and some times even men's teams all over the country in demonstration games. During this period OLYMPIADA Salonica played 17 international games with Milan and Masinats Nis Yugoslavia, and took part in a tournament in Germany.

All of the teams tried to develop their game and make the Greek people realize that women can play soccer, but the Greek Soccer Federation wouldn't recognize the teams and this period ended in 1982 with the teams breaking up.

Second Period (1984-1989)

During this period a lot of teams appeared from all over the country although the games were still unofficial. DOXA Piraeus, AO HLIOYPOLI Salonica, KENTAYROS Larisas, AMAZONS Dramas, ALKIONIDES Kavalas, ARTEMIS Drapetsonas, ARTEMISXania, ARIS Korinthos, KABALA '86, XANTIPI Xanthi, THIELA Palaioxori,AMAZONS Drama all were formed during this time.

The first Greek (unofficial) tournament took place in Salonica April 20-26, 1987. The tournament was organized by the committee of women's soccer and the municipality of Eyosmos Salonica. The 10 Greek teams and one team from Cyprus (LA BELLA from Lemasol) participated in this tournament. AO HLIOYPOLI Salonica won in a penalty shoot out with DOXA Piraeus after the game ended in a 2-2 draw.

The second Greek(still unofficial) tournament took place in Xania Crete August 25-29, 1987. Taking part were the top four teams from the tournament in Salonica (DOXA Piraeus, AO HLIOPOLI Salonica, KENTAYROS Larisas, KABALA '86) and the host team ARTEMIS Xania, and the winner was DOXA Piraeus.

New teams soon appeared . OLYMPIADA '96 Salonica, RODOPI '87 Komotini, AE TYRNAVOS Larisa, PAMBOTIDA Ioannnina, ARTEMIS Dramas all were formed.

October 1987 saw the beginning of the first unofficial championship in north Greece organized by the teams and helped by the Union of Soccer teams of Macedonia. This championship finished in April 1988 and the two teams from Salonica OLYMPIADA '96 and AO HLIOYPOLI shared first place.

In the spring of 1988 the Greek Soccer Federation officially recognized women's soccer.

Third period 1990-present time

Since 1990 when the first official championship was organized, six championships have been organized by the Greek Soccer Foundation, a Greek National team has taken part in 3 European Championships and a lot of new teams have been formed.

In April 1990 a team representing Greece took part in a tournament in Italy with other national teams.

In May 1990 the Greek Soccer Federation organized the first (pilot) Greek Championship with 16 teams in three groups. The teams were OLYMPIADA '96, AO HLIOYPOLI Salonica, KENTAUROS Larisas,KABALA '86, AMAZONS Dramas, AE TYRNAVOS, DOXA Piraeus, ARTEMIS Drapetsonas, ARTEMIS Xania, ARIS Korinthos, RODOPI '87 Komotini, PAMBOTIDA Ioannnina, AE AEGINA, NIKAIA Serres, ATROMITOS Keratsini, and XANTIPI Xanthi.

On July 14, 1990 OLYMPIADA '96 Salonica won the Championship beating KAVALA '86 1-0 in the final game.

1990-91 First Greek Championship

20 teams in two groups; North Greece and South Greece.

Five new teams took part : HELLAS Siros,NEAPOLI Athens, ATSALENIOS Hraklio, ASTERAS Xaraugi, and New Philadelphia.

In the two final games KENTAYPOS Larisa v DOXA Piraeus ended 1-1 and 0-0, with DOXA Piraeus being the final winner.

1991-1992 Second Greek Championship

25 teams in three groups. Seven new teams appeared. These were MESINIAKOS Kalamata, NIKI Kalamata, AMAZONS Nikaia, DOXA Hraklio, HERCULES Peristeri, ATHENA Agios Athanasios Drama, and Kilkis '91.

DOXA Piraeus beat KAVALA '86 2-1 in the Finals to win for the second consecutive year.

1992 -1993 Third Greek Championship

25 teams in two classes. The first level with 12 teams in two groups. The second class level with 18 teams in three groups; North Greece, Central Greece and South Greece. PAMBOTIDA Ioannnina, AE AEGINA, and ATROMITOS Keratsini were demoted to the second class, and KILKIS '91, MESINIAKOS Kalamata, ARTEMIS Drapetsona and FILIRIAKOS Frorina were promoted from the second class to the first class championship.

KAVALA '86 beat DOXA Piraeus 4-2 in the Final game in first class.

1993-1994 4th Greek Championship

31 teams in two classes. The first class with 13 teams in two groups; North Greece and South Greece. The second class with 13 teams in three groups. KILKIS '91, MESINIAKOS Kalamata and ARTEMIS Xania were demoted from the first class to the second class. ERETRIA '91, PIERIDES MOYSES and HFAISTOS Peristeri were promoted to the first class.

DOXA Piraeus beat AOHLIOYPOLH 1-0 in the Final to win the championship.

1994-95 Fifth Greek Championship

31 teams in two classes. The first class with 13 teams in two groups; North Greece and South Greece. The second class with 3 teams in three groups. KAVALA '86, PIERIDES MOYSES, ERETRIA '91 and NEW FILADELFIA were demoted to the second class, and AO PERISTERI, OLYMPIAKOS Kozani, and AE AEGINA promoted to first class.

Doxa Piraeus beat AOHLIOYPOLH 3-2 in the Final to win the championship.

1995-96 The Sixth Greek Championship

It started in October with the 12 teams of the first class in one group for the first time. They will play 22 games in two rounds until May 1996 when the championship will finish.

The second class in three groups will start in February 1996.

Copyrighted 1996: Xanthi Konstantantinidou/Roger Rogers/WSW