Amiga Active Issue 1

On sale date: Thursday, September 30th 1999

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  • News... on the BoXeR, Collas leaving Amiga, intriguing new Amiga patents, G3 and G4 accelerators and more...

  • Reviews... Photogenics 4.2 back-to-back with ImageFX 4. Iomega Zip and Jaz drives - what they can do for you. Amiga Forever 3 - how good is an emulated Amiga these days? Voyager 3 back-to-back with IBrowse 2. Professional Filing System 3 - protect your data and speed up your data storage into the bargain! PLUS! Top Gear and Active Shareware.

  • Features... Back for the Future, part one - Focussing on where the Amiga is, how it's got there and where it might be going. Well, that was the plan anyway... All about Graphics Cards, part one - What a graphics card can do for you, and what to look out for when upgrading your Amiga from AGA. An insight into ISDN - What you need to know if you've ever wondered about the way to faster Internet access and all the other benefits of moving up to ISDN.

  • Games previewed... Maim & Mangle, Heretic II, Shogo, Nightlong.

  • Games reviewed... T-Zer0, Wasted Dreams, Superfrog, Eat the Whistle.

  • Rants and Raves... Just who's been looking at our web site? Some fascinating and revealing names.

  • PLUS... Linux on trial. The Amiga Active Gallery, focussing on Amigas being used in professional design. Online - a guide to PGP, cool sites and news bytes from the Internet. Ask The Guru - your technical problems solved. RetroActive - a glimpse into the past as we remember the CDTV, and Elite.

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