Amiga Active Issue 2
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On sale date: Thursday, October 28th 1999

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  • WIN! Five copies of OS3.5 up for grabs in the first Amiga Active survey. Want to know what OS3.5 is like first? Then you can read the review first in Amiga Active!

  • News... on the Amiga MCC and the Phoenix platform Consortium.

  • Reviews... OS 3.5 - Read the first review of the latest update to the Amiga Operating System, only in Amiga Active. How well does it stand up to expectations? Find out on October 28th... Power Tower A4000 - is it the right solution to improve your cramped desktop A4000's expandability? STFax4 - more than just faxing software. Movie players for the Amiga - rounded up for your viewing pleasure. PLUS! AmIRC 3.2, mFTP-II and the month's best shareware.

  • Features... Back for the Future, part two - You may think Amiga dropping their plans for the MCC would decrease the possibility of a new Amiga appearing in the near future, but you could well be wrong. Low polygon modelling - how to get the most out of your hardware when 3D's concerned. REBOL scripting - what's it good for? Graphics cards - the third dimension - Could you be using the latest 3D hardware on your Amiga sooner than you think? Using PDF on the Amiga - because you can, and we show you exactly how to read and create your own PDFs.

  • Games previewed... WipeOut 2097 coming to the Amiga. A special preview of Nightlong from ClickBOOM including an exclusive preview on the CD prepared especially for Amiga Active. PLUS! Gilbert Goodmate, Diablo's Land and Evil's Doom SE.

  • Games reviewed... Virtual Grand Prix, Foundation DC and Best of Gremlin.

  • Masterclass... Candy Factory Pro - it can do more than you might think.

  • Online... A guide to creating professional web sites with a few pointers to coding clean HTML. PLUS! News Bytes and Cool Sites from the online world.

  • Not to mention... Rants and Raves special - The Demo Scene on trial - Get Clubbed in the Amiga Active Gallery - Your problems answered by the Amiga Active resident Guru - Looking back on the A1000 and the continuing saga of Elite in RetroActive... and a whole lot more!

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