Amiga Active Issue 6
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On sale date: Thursday, February 24th 2000

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  • The Eternal Tao - In this month's extensive cover feature, we talk exclusively to Chris Hinsley and Francis Charig - the men behind Amiga's new OS partner, Tao Group - about their vision for the future of Amiga computing.

  • Reviews... CDRs - Burning Compact Discs with your Amiga. DVDs - The future of CD writing? Basilisk - Son of Shapeshifter. Modems - hooked online. Monitors - A pair of Mitsubishi's finest. Top Reads - What to read when you've finished this issue! Shareware - Better ways to download. Games Roundup - Spherical Worlds and Total Tetris. Whales Voyage 2 - All aboard! Vulcanology - Is it a gem?

  • Features... Digicam Bonanza! - A new piece of software allows plenty of digital cameras to be used on your Amiga. DOpus Masterclass - Some of Opus's features aren't immediately obvious...

  • Plus... The latest News, Protect and Survive Online, A few more Rants & Raves, Darkspace Media in the Active Gallery, Letters galore courtesy of InterActive and our answers to your problems from the meditational blue Guru.

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