On sale date: Thursday, March 30th 2000
- Digital Cinema - In this month's cover feature, we look at the effect of digital technology on the big screen.
- Reviews...
Heretic II - The full game has arrived, and we give it a full review! What can you expect from your Amiga when you play Heretic II? Find out, only in issue 7 of Amiga Active!
GLQuakeWOS - Quake as it should be. On the Amiga, and fast. In a window, too, if you like!
Printers - Some of the latest models from Hewlett Packard, Epson and Canon tested.
Diavolo Backup 2000 - Don't put off 'til tomorrow what you should do today...
MooVid - Play movies on your Amiga...
Plextor CDR - Burn CDs in six minutes with Plextor's new 12x writer!
Eyetech Ethernet - Link your Amiga to a Samba network in minutes. Really?
Shareware - Seeking out the best in freely available software.
- Masterclasses...
Directory Opus Magellan - Part two of our DOpus masterclass.
Virtual Network Computing - Amiga software on a PC? PC software on a Linux box? Linux software on the Amiga? What's going on? Virtual Network Computing, that's what. And the software, as always, is on the CD...
- Features...
WAP! - Wireless computing is causing a stir. We dip our spoon in to the soup of the day: Wireless Application Protocol, and tell you what you need to know about this exciting new technology.
Survey Results - Just who do you think you are? Our online survey revealed some interesting statistics about our readers. How well have we described you?
- Plus...
The latest News,
Usenet News Online,
A few more Rants & Raves,
Crystal Interactive Software and Pagan Games' upcoming titles previewed in Active Gamer,
Fred Fish surfaces in Retroactive,
Interacting with the aptly named InterActive,
and our answers to your problems from the ever present, ever ready Guru.
Don't miss it! See below for details on how to obtain issue 7 of Amiga Active Magazine...
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