On sale date: Thursday, April 27th 2000
- We take the wraps off - a first look at the new Amiga developer system - only in Amiga Active!
- Reviews...
IBrowse 2.2 - The latest version of the popular web browser, but how far has it come since version 2.1?
Cycas - Structured drawing is still one of the Amiga's strong points.
X-Surf - The Ethernet-and-more Zorro card from Individual Computers.
Millennium - The toaster/Flyer package from Nova Design and Newtek.
Scanorama! - Some of the latest scanners, and Amiga scanning software in the form of ScanQuix 5, reviewed and rated.
Active Media - New Section! We take a look at the best in CD-ROMs, movies, web sites, television...
Active Shareware - The undisputed heavyweight champion of shareware... but what is it?
Web Gaming - There's more to net gaming than deathmatch Quake...
- Features...
St. Louis Report - A full show report from the St. Louis, Missouri Amiga show.
BoXing Clever - The release of this much anticipated piece of hardware really is just around the corner. We take a look at the BoXeR, revision 2.
Upgrade Fever! - Thinking of upgrading your Amiga, but don't know where to start? Let us be your guide.
Picture Perfect - Techniques for getting the best results from image manipulation.
- Plus...
The latest News from around the world,
Online tracking,
A few more Rants & Raves,
It's a SiNful Armageddon of Worms in Active Gamer,
William Shatner makes a cameo appearance in Retroactive,
The Editor answers your letters in InterActive,
and more problems solved thanks to the Guru.
Don't miss it! See below for details on how to obtain issue 8 of Amiga Active Magazine...
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