News from the year 2000.

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27th June 2000
* Issue 10 out on Thursday!

Issue 10 of Amiga Active magazine goes on sale in newsagents on Thursday (29th). Click the button to see what awaits you all - and don't forget to subscribe or at least order your copy of issue 10 online to make sure you don't miss out!

Don't forget to tell us if we aren't being distributed in your part of the world, either - there's only a few days left to fill in this survey if you want to qualify for the prize draw to win one of three six-month subscriptions!

27th June 2000
* What's happened to the web site, then?

As a number of you have been pointing out to us in recent weeks, this web site seems to have died a death, forcing many of you to e-mail us with deep and philosophical questions like, "are you still with us?"

We are pleased to report that, like The Force, we are. Please don't fret - we're not going anywhere, we're just designing a new online presence which will be with you soon.

19th May 2000
* Issue 9 preview...

Can't wait for issue 9 of Amiga Active to hit the shelves on the 25th? Have a sneak preview then...

17th May 2000
* Feel secure again...

For the last couple of days, there have been some minor problems with our secure online order form for individual issues and subscriptions. These problems have now been fixed.

6th May 2000
* Get Amiga Active in your part of the world!

If you have never seen Amiga Active in your local stores, or if you can only get our magazine via subscription but would like to see it being distributed in your country, now is the time to let us know that you want Amiga Active in your part of the world.

Pinprint Publishing is currently looking into distribution of Amiga Active Magazine to other countries besides the UK, so please take a moment to tell us where you'd like to see our magazine distributed.

As a thank-you for taking part, your name will be entered into a prize drawer to receive one of three six-month subscriptions to Amiga Active.

28th Apr 2000
* Issue 8 On Sale Now (ish)
Issue 8 should be on sale around the country as of yesterday, but the inevitable delays caused by the Easter weekend may lead to slightly later on-sale dates in certain areas, so leave it until early next week before letting us know if you're having problems finding it in shops. In the meantime, the contents can be found described in the issues section by following the link (i.e. pressing the button) as usual...
30th Mar 2000
* Issue 7 On Sale Now
The April issue of Amiga Active magazine is now on sale. Visit the issues section for more information on what's inside and how to get hold of it!
22nd Mar 2000
* Issue 7 Preview
We couldn't let you wait until the 30th to find out what awaits you in issue 7 of Amiga Active...
1st Mar 2000
* Issue 6 Top Reads
You can now buy any of the books we reviewed in issue 6's Top Reads section via our web site, in association with
24th Feb 2000
* Issue 6 on Sale Now!
The March 2000 edition of Amiga Active magazine is on sale now. If you can't get hold of it in the shops, even using our magsave coupon, you can always subscribe. But if all else fails, do let us know if you can't find the latest issue in the shops anywhere!
28th Jan 2000
* Webmasters - Link to us!
A lot of you have been asking for them, so here (at last!) are a few Amiga Active web banners and buttons to brighten up your web sites. Enjoy!
27th Jan 2000
* Amiga buyout news in issue 5 - on sale now!
For extensive coverage of the latest Amiga buyout, including in-depth analysis of the Amiga's future, opinion from the industry (and ourselves) and a look at the two operating systems battling for our hearts and minds, not to mention the latest Amiga news, previews, reviews and tutorials, make sure you pick up issue 5 of Amiga Active - out now.

More information about what's in issue 5 can be found in our issues section (click the button!)

17th Jan 2000
* Buyout coverage
The next issue of Amiga Active to hit the shelves contains extensive coverage of the latest Amiga buyout. If you want to know what the buyout means for your (and your Amiga's) future, issue 5 of Amiga Active is a must-read. More details about what you will find inside will be revealed in a few days...