
Welcome to the new, updated home page of Scalos! As of 23rd November 1999, Satanic Dreams Software has taken over development of Scalos and we are 100% committed to developing it into being the best Amiga Workbench desktop replacement on the market. If you were looking for the original author of Scalos, Stefan Sommerfeld, please visit his site at ALiENDESiGN.

This is the place to bookmark if you want to keep track of the changes, new ideas, features and development of this outstanding software.

New to Scalos? For details on what Scalos actually is, please visit the About page.

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This web site was created by Chris Haynes of Satanic Dreams Software (SDS). No part of it may be copied, reproduced or otherwise changed without written permission from the author. The majority of images on this site are copyrighted to SDS, whilst others are considered to be in the public domain. If anything on this site infringes the copyright rights of another individual or organisation, please contact me and it will be removed immediately. All trademarks and patents are the property of their respective owners.