AMOS (88/96)

From:Andrew Crowe
Date:3 Aug 99 at 21:03:32
Subject:[amos-list] Re: Screen Problem

From: Andrew Crowe <>

Hi Everybody,

> AFAIK the offset is not covered in the online Help for Amospro, hence my
> struggles.

Yep, thats because it works in hardware co-ordinates.

By the way, After checking with the Amos manual, I was wrong about the limit mouse thing:

To set the mouse limit of the current screen (thats to the screen's boarders) all you have to do is:

Wait Vbl
Limit Mouse

That way the mouse will be perfectly limited to the current screen.

(The wait vbl bit, apparently, is important)

See ya.

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"Bother," said Pooh, as Odd Job /took his hat off/ for him.

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