Blitz (266/640)

From:Toby Zuijdveld
Date:30 Aug 99 at 13:26:44
Subject:Re: OS3.5 screenshots, etc

Hello amorel

On 30-Aug-99, you wrote:

a> C=Not mistaken. Windoze can open windows without a border occupying the
a> whole C=screen, which -looks- like a new screen is opened =]

a> Guess so, but they cant be a different resolution. And dragging is also
a> out of the question.

Yeh, well it's not a screen, that's why... it's exactly the same as opening
up a window on an amiga screen without a border and in the backdrop... it
looks like an empty screen =]


Toby Zuijdveld

(fighting the Mutton Vindaloo Beast) Lister: Of course! Lager -- the only thing that can kill a vindaloo!

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