Blitz (280/640)

From:Sandy Brownlee
Date:4 Sep 99 at 19:36:07
Subject:Re: Isometric Map

Hello Gaz

On 04-Sep-99, you wrote:

> Do a map array, with the backmost 'tiles' first, and then read from the
> array, and output the isometric tiles starting from the backmost tiles,
> i.e. the start of the array. That way, buildiings would appear on top of
> other buildiings that were further away etc.

Sounds logical.

>> The display should be along the lines of Sim City 2000 eventually,
>> updating rapidly enough to show trains moving etc.
> If you're gunna do this in 256 colours, then you can scrap this on
> anything less than an 060 =]
> My 060 only just manages to update the display quick enough to allow
> playability at full screen 256 cols 640x512 hires laced.

Hmm. I'd probably only do about 32 colours if possible, perhaps more on GFX
cards, but then I'd have to learn Mildred. I have an 040 40, so it would
have to work on that at at least :-)

This could be a while in the making, so hopefully by release, NG will be on
the go, and speed shouldn't be as much of a problem (although I suppose it
should still be fairly efficient)


Sandy Brownlee


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