Blitz (35/640)

From:Mikkel L�kke
Date:12 Aug 99 at 02:51:34
Subject:Re: gtshapegadget

Hello amorel.

You wrote:
> Different amigalibs.res I have now I reckon. But that source uses some
> pointers and peeking around iirc and I will NOT use pointers unless theres no
> other way(and I yet have to find a situation like that, well only had this on

Firstly, AFAIK, in Blitz, pointers and variables work in the same way.

Secondly, in C at least (and possibly other languages), bluntly refusing to use pointers, means you've crippled yourself, pointlessly.


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: . . :
: / \ / \ : Mikkel L�kke
: / \/ \____ : Public Relations & Programming
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