Blitz (34/640)

From:Mikkel L�kke
Date:12 Aug 99 at 02:18:38
Subject:Re: AHI the revenge!

Hello Paul.

You wrote:

> While IFF supports sound, graphics, palettes, anims, music etc. WAV is
> still
> only a sound format but it can contain many different types of sound
> including WMA and MP3. So the WAV format seems to be a wrapper for lots
> of
> other types. It's obvious that you'll have a big job trying to support
> all
> different forms of WAV.

> I think the standard PCM 8/16bit, mono/stereo WAV's are probably what we
> all know to be the standard format.

Once again, Microsoft successfully ruins a perfectly good standard.


.---+----- --- -- - - - - - - -
: . . :
: / \ / \ : Mikkel L�kke
: / \/ \____ : Public Relations & Programming
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: \_/ \/ \_// / : ICQ: 16578549
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/_____| Productions

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