Blitz (382/640)

From:Donovan Reeve
Date:11 Sep 99 at 04:08:20
Subject:Re: Amiga really is dead after all!

On 10-Sep-99, James L Boyd flashed:
>Hi all,

>It's (nearly) official : Amiga is dead...



HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa! What a load of CRAP!

How can you do anything but laugh or cuss at this garbage?

C'mon guys, don't be sucked in by every piece of blow you see in
print, especially on the dubiously documented and poorly researched
crud on the web. Just because it's called businessweek doesn't
mean they do their articals in a businesslike manner. Don't mistake
businessweek for the likes of NewsWeek, and even NewsWeek prints
some biased crap sometimes.

Obviously somebody is just trying to cause a sensation or even to
purposely damage the Amiga and our community. This so-called "article"
is FULL of half-truths, misquotes, stuff taken out of context and
blatent falsehoods. A source "close to Amiga"???!!! Crap, that could
describe anyone who ever heard of the Amiga the way these guys work.
And notice that they did not say "a source friendly to Amiga" or
"a source which really knows anything about Amiga". Shucks, even
bILL gATES could be described as "a source close to Amiga" as he has
several ex-Commodore engineers working for him. I would be willing to
BET that I am closer to Amiga than the "source" they refered to if they
meant in any meaningful way. I have heard absolutly nothing to indicate
that Amiga have changed what they plan to do, although I have seen some
indications that they have modified how they plan to accomplish it a bit.

Fact: Amiga have officially announced that they are going to shut-up
and get something done.

Fact: Amiga have closed all lines of communication with those involved
in the Next Generation Amiga effort for now, just like they said
they would.

Fact: Amiga have left the lines of communication to those involved in
the continuation of the present generation of Amigas open and that
effort is bringing us OS3.5 which will be useful in support of
such companies as Iwin, Access, Randomise, etc. in their continuing
plans to bring us viable continuations of the Amiga Legacy.

Fact: Any fool can start a confusing story, and many do.

Fact: Amiga has many powerful enemys who would love to see the Amiga
community become disheartened and Amiga fail.

Yes, there are some changes going on. That is to be expected if anything
is to be accomplished. But it DOESN'T mean that Amiga don't plan to support
a new MCC. In fact, they pretty well HAVE to as that will be the nerve
center for their planned networking environment. That they may have it
constructe by a third party is likely, but it will still be designed by
Amiga and built according to Amiga spechs. What difference if they are
built on production lines owned by Amiga or by a third party according to
Amiga plans? This is standard electronics industry methodology these days.
Everybody farms out work. It is the most economical way especially for
reletively short (a few hundred thousand) initial runs.
Gateway now have a LOT of money invested in the Amiga effort. They are
not going to just dump it, no matter how much certain people would like
them to.

Let's not hit the panic button every time some loser pulls our chain.

cacha later,

Donovan Reeve (

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