Blitz (386/640)

From:Rick Hodger
Date:11 Sep 99 at 13:54:22
Subject:Re: Amiga is dead...

I watched as ZimZum hammered "Re: Amiga is dead..." out on their keyboard...

> We've survived so far, and we've survived through worse. Anyone who still
> sticks to the amiga after all the shit its been through isnt going to give
> it all up now.

But this is the problem. Lots of people have stuck this far, only to have
the rug pulled out from under them. At least Escom and so on didn't make
promises of amazing machines, release exact details of the systems, set
production dates etc...only then to turn round and say "nah,
sorry....didn't like that, we're gonna make a webtv clone".

> I mean even if this announcment actually turns out to be true, what's the
> actual difference difference going to be? Gw2k
> werent actually going to create any more hardware anyway.. leaving this to
> third parties... right?

No, Amiga Int weren't going to make any more hardware. Jim Collas was
hoping at one point that they could convince Gateway to giving over some of
their shop space to producing a new Amiga. Keeping it all within the

> If Gw2k will agree to give these third parties a licence (and why shouldnt
> they?) then I think (for example) a new phase 5 Amiga compatible would be
> a much better option. (They've never let us down in the past). The only
> problem I can see here being setting the standard that everyone can agree
> on
> (cpu, hardware interfaces etc).

I'm sorry? Phase5 has never let us down? In terms of hardware production,
theirs is second to none....but they drop the lines so quickly that I won't
buy a phase5 anything til they keep making it for a year. Anyone remember
the CV3D? They dropped that 2 months after production, they won't even
acknowledge they made it. They refuse to make anymore BVision cards, even
though people are still looking for them.

> We already have the standards for the OS and software.. they just need to
> be built upon. And I'm sure there are plenty of people willing to jump at
> that chance, as a new amiga would be a computing revolution.

It's a far cry from having a couple of standards, and writing
software/building hardware that can actually do it.

> The amiga is far from dead, if we have anything to do with it :)

Hopefully it will all turn out to be just rumour....but the damage has
already been done, many people who have stuck with it for years are now
saying that that was basically the last straw. Amiga/Gateway have pretty
much lost any remaining confidence the community had in them.

Rick Hodger - Programmer for #Pagan Software#

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