Blitz (574/640)

From:Frederic Laboureur
Date:25 Sep 99 at 16:28:34
Subject:Re: PureBasic

Hello Rob,

>> Do you think you need it? ;)
> Erm, personally, I cant buy it for a while....
> But I dont think I NEED it, I dont think anyone here NEEDS it..
> BUT, I`ll get it because I want it.... Maybe,.. :) Later, when there
> are more libraries,. The only thing I could see at fault with PB
> was the lack of libraries and it`s ability could be comprimised
> because of that.. But then it is the first version, and I expect
> people will do ports of the blitz libs, or convert them or something.

Don't bother, we're working hard to do more libraries... We just need

Good bye,



/\/\/\/\/\ Frederic 'AlphaSND' Laboureur
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(o o_ /(o o)\ _o o) Quality software for the Amiga
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