From: | Frederic Laboureur |
Date: | 25 Sep 99 at 16:27:12 |
Subject: | Re: PureBasic |
Hello David,
>> By some fortunate set of circumstances, I now have £50 spare, and can now
> Lucky you. All my bills came in this month, and now I can't afford to
> register before 1 Oct.
So bad :-)
>> afford the full version of Pure Basic. The question is, do I need it?
> Do you think you need it? ;)
Do It need it too ? ;)
>> Those that have bought it already, how easy is it to learn. I know the
>> code is similar, but does it use the same command libraries and stuff, or
>> does it need a lot of work to convert stuff over?
> OK, I know I haven't bought it yet, but from what Fred has said, the
> code is nearly exactly the same, things like {} are replaced with (),
> all function/statement calls must have a () even if they have no
> parameters (hey Fred, would it be possible to use MyStatement() as
> calling the statement and MyStatement as the address of it?).
Hum good idea, but it will interfer with variables... But I could add a
stuff: @MyStatement() will return its address, like other cases.
> The libraries that I know are available are the NCS ones, all the
> commands are the same, but they don't have the N on the front. All
> the Blitz libraries would need to be re-written, as PB uses a
> different lib format.
> I think there is an automatic conversion tool in the pipeline, but I
> could be wrong about that - it may only have been a suggestion by
> someone.
Wrong :). Don't have write it, as it's very difficult and could result
at a middle right/middle false code output and here will start and insane
bug hunt... :-). Take about 1 Hour to convert fully a big library from
Blitz2 to PureBasic. Not so much in fact.
>> I'm also thinking about trying C++, because I could then port stuff
>> easily to certain other computers where there are many more possible
>> program users. As an alternative, would there be a compiler for Pure
>> Basic on other platforms?
>> (Of course my heart still lies with the Miggy)
> One of the design goals of PB was that it was portable so I think
> versions on other platforms would be available. It depends how busy
> Fred is and how good his x86 ASM is ;)
My x86 ASM skill level is very low for now :). I'm more busy to do a
good 680x0 and PPC version. But promise, I will learn it soon ;) (My head
will explode...)
> But if you intend on using C++ to do GUI's on various platforms,
> you'll have to re-write a whole big bunch of code, as I haven't seen
> anything standard across anything. With PB you might be able to use
> the same commands on all platforms, such as (OK, I know these ain't
> PB/NCS commands but its an example):
> WBToScreen 0 ; Grabs WB on Amiga, grabs Windows desktop on W9x/NT
> Window 0,...... ; Opens a window, flags may be interpreted differntly
> quit = 0 ; nothing specific
> While quit=0 ; or that
> If WaitEvent=$200 ; Both AmigaOS and Windows use similar kind of
> ; event messaging systems for the GUI
> quit=-1
> End If
> Wend
> End
> And that may work on Unix (XWindows) too.
You have all say. Thx David !
Good bye,
/\/\/\/\/\ Frederic 'AlphaSND' Laboureur
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