Blitz (595/640)

From:James L Boyd
Date:26 Sep 99 at 13:16:47
Subject:Re: screen and font output!

Emil Oppeln Bronikowski churned out *this* drivel:

> how can i use custom fonts on bitmap? i can loadfont and use windowfont,
> but there is no bitmapfont command :)

I don't think you can (though I think you can use some other kind of Blitz
fonts - I think Curt knows about this).

The other way to do it is to render the font's characters onto hidden bitmaps
while in "Amiga" mode and use those for blitting in Blitz mode...

See ya,

James L Boyd -

Member of Team *AMIGA*, and *Dogbert's New Ruling Class.*

Connected from Dundee, Scotland.


But what is all this fear of and opposition to oblivion? What
is the matter with the soft darkness, the dreamless sleep?
-- James Thurber

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