Blitz (596/640)

From:James L Boyd
Date:26 Sep 99 at 13:23:05
Subject:Re: Disc inserted...

Roger Light churned out *this* drivel:

> I want to know when a new cd has been inserted in the drive. I've got the
> #IDCMP_DISKINSERTED flag added to my window and it recognises when there's
> a new disc inserted. Now I need to be able to decide whether or not it is

Yeah, sound fine so far...

> actually a new disc in the cd drive or whether it's in another drive. As
> I'm only looking for CDDA discs it isn't just as easy as seeing if the
> name of the disc has changed. So is there any simple way of doing this or
> will I have to figure it out myself?

There's an archive on Aminet called MaVaTi-something (type mavati into the
search page), which has various pieces of source code, including some stuff for
using CDs...since the CD file systems generally don't list CDDA cds as volumes,
you'll have to do it using actual cd commands (ie the MaVaTi stuff or there's
cdplay.library, which I /almost/ had working ;) - the MaVaTi stuff can tell
the difference between CD-ROMs and CDDA CDs, but it takes a bit of digging
through the source and re-arranging it to suit, but if you only want it to
test for CDDAs, you'll be able to ditch most of it (but your users will have
to set it up to use their particular CD device)...

Hopefully that'll help...

See ya,

James L Boyd -

Member of Team *AMIGA*, and *Dogbert's New Ruling Class.*

Connected from Dundee, Scotland.


But what is all this fear of and opposition to oblivion? What
is the matter with the soft darkness, the dreamless sleep?
-- James Thurber

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