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Contacting Amiga Active

Whether you would like to advertise in Amiga Active, distribute the magazine outside the UK, would like to discuss having your product reviewed or just fancy writing to us with us some questions or comments, we'd love to hear from you! There are several ways you can get in touch, depending on the nature of your enquiry:

[news] [advertising] [trade enquiries] [coverdiscs] [magazine feedback] [technical questions] [editorial] [web site]

  • News
    Whether you're a bedroom programmer, commercial Amiga developer or blue-chip multinational electronics company, we want to hear your news. Each month, we aim to bring the Amiga community reports on the latest hardware and software releases and developments in the industry which affect Amiga users all over the world.

    Being a magazine, we have monthly deadlines. So, if you'd like to ensure your news reaches the Amiga community as quickly as possible, please ensure your news reaches us by the 8th of each month for possible inclusion in the following month's issue of Amiga Active.

    Send your news to us via e-mail at news@amigactive.com or contact David Stroud at the usual address, phone or fax numbers below.

  • Advertising
    Amiga Active offers highly competitive rates of advertising for retailers, developers and manufacturers alike. We also offer advertising opportunities for user groups, web sites, BBS's and even second-hand Amigas and peripherals. Whatever your advertising needs, we'll try to accomodate you!

    If you are a commercial developer or distributor, please e-mail us at advertising@amigactive.com or contact Mark Hinton at the usual address, phone or fax numbers below.

    If you would like to advertise your user group, BBS or second-hand Amiga hardware inside Amiga Active, please pick up a copy of the magazine (issue 14 onwards) and submit the form within via post.

    Update (March 1st, 2001): For several issues (starting with issue 14), we gave our readers the chance to submit their own private adverts for inclusion in the magazine. The response over several months was poor, however, which is why you won't find reader adverts in Amiga Active at present. If there is enough demand for them, we'll run them. Otherwise, we can't justify dedicating any of the space inside AA to print one or two reader advertisements. We're sorry, but we hope you understand.

  • Distribution and Trade enquiries
    We realise that there are Amiga users all over the world who would like to read Amiga Active. We are now being distributed in a number of countries outside of the UK, but due to the very nature of distribution, we realise that a lot of people are having trouble getting hold of the magazine.

    If you're trying to get hold of Amiga Active but are having little luck, please get in touch with our regional distribution agents in your country and tell them you'd like to see our magazine! For a list of regional distributors, along with their contact details, please click here.

  • Coverdiscs
    We pride ourselves on our cover-mounted CDs, believing them to be the best in the business. Nevertheless, the occasional problem does crop up, and when it does, we'd like to know about it.

    If you have any problems or requests concerning our coverdiscs, please e-mail us at aacd@amigactive.com or write to us at the address below.

    We also welcome our readers' submissions for our coverdiscs, so if you have created something you would like other Amiga owners to see, let us have a look at it! Click here for full details of submitting your work for inclusion on our cover CDs.

  • Feedback concerning the Magazine
    Amiga Active is your magazine, and despite the limited amount of space in each issue, we try to give you what you want - but we can't do this unless you tell us what that is! Each month, we publish some of the letters we receive and respond to your concerns, requests and general ramblings like any good magazine should.

    The Interactive pages are your chance to influence the content of our magazine each month, so e-mail us with your views and comments on Amiga Active, the Amiga, the wider computing world or anything else you think may tickle our fancy at interactive@amigactive.com or write to us at the address below, marking your envelope "Interactive" to ensure it reaches the right place.

    Please note that we cannot respond personally to the letters and e-mails we are sent. We're sorry, but the magazine takes up all of our time as it is!

  • Technical Questions
    If you have a problem... if no-one else can help... maybe you should call... the A-Team! Unless you require an answer to a technical problem you've encountered whilst using your Amiga, in which case you would be better off writing to Amiga Active's resident Guru, who meditates over your daily dilemmas and responds through the magazine each month.

    We've given the Guru his own e-mail address at our magazine, so you can reach him by addressing your e-mails to guru@amigactive.com. Alternatively, we'll pass your letters on to him as long as you write to the usual address, marking your envelope "Ask The Guru".

    Please note that we simply cannot afford the time each month to answer your questions via any other medium, so however demoralising your technical incompetence may be, don't ring up asking us to tell you why your machine crashes or demanding our opinion on how to upgrade your Amiga. We won't be able to tell you, because we have a magazine to produce. If you have a problem with a specific product, please contact the vendor or - failing that - the manufacturer directly. Or join our mailing list, where many like-minded souls will be happy to help you out if you ask nicely.

  • Editorial Enquiries
    Do you have a suggestion for an article or feature that you'd like to see in Amiga Active? Perhaps you'd even like to write it yourself! If you'd like to see us cover a specific topic, or if you're interested in writing for us, our Editorial department would like to hear from you. You can write to Amiga Active's Editor, David Stroud, at the address below or you can rech him via e-mail at editor@amigactive.com.

  • Comments concerning our Web Site
    Here at Amiga Active, we don't just want to provide you with the best magazine we can - we want to make sure that our web site gives you all the information you need in the best way possible. So tell us, is it easy to find the information you're looking for? Is there something missing from our web site?

    Whatever your comments, as long as they are constructive, we'd like to hear from you. E-mail Amiga Active's webmaster, David Stroud, at webmaster@amigactive.com with your comments.

Contact Details

Please address all correspondance to the following address:

Amiga Active Magazine
Pinprint Publishing
Systems House
14 Victoria Road

Alternatively, contact us by 'phone or fax:

Order Hotline: +44 (0)1202 411111
Phone: +44 (0)1202 296293
Fax: +44 (0)1202 411110