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Get it!Immortal

Note: Prices, where given, were correct when first published.
Type: CD Audio compilation
From: Monteiro Music
Price: US$ 18.99, plus shipping

There was a time when the Amiga was renowned for its game soundtracks. Names like Allister Brimble and Bjorn Lynne were synonymous with great game music. It was with this thought that Ruben Monteiro embarked on his quest to compile a CD of classic Amiga game music. Titles such as Shadow of the Beast, Turrican, Superfrog, Harlequin, The Strangers, Blockhead II, Utopia, The Final Odyssey, Dafel:Bloodline and Project X'99 will be familiar to any Amiga game players of today and yesteryear - this CD boasts tunes from all these games.

Immortal features the full Shadow of the Beast soundtrack along with single tracks from the other titles listed, topped off with a bonus track from Alien Breed 3D. But that's not all - the first track is a computer data track containing information about each of the audio tracks in HTML format, and a 45MB MPEG animation featuring the character from Shadow of the Beast.

This CD is all about the music, though. The tracks serve well as background "ambience," as they did in the original games, and at no point should you find yourself wanting to turn your stereo off during the CD's 73 minute playing time. Indeed, if you have it playing quietly in the background, you're more than likely going to find yourself turning it up every now and again when you recognise a tune you haven't heard for years.

For more information on the compilation (and to buy online), visit Ruben Monteiro's web site.

Originally reviewed in issue 9 by David Stroud.

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