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Issue 13 - October 2000
Published: Thursday September 28, 2000

We Made It!
Amiga Active is a year older and a year wiser.

Show reports aplenty!

Amiga Goes PCI
Not once, but twice! What's going on?

Get The Knowledge
Ask Istar, your knowledgeable friend.

Waste Alien Scum!
Amiga Active kits up in Hell Squad.

Reviews: Next Generation Web Browsers - Previewed. FXPaint 1.5 - Innovative's latest release of the paint package deserves another look. Istar - Knowledge is Power, and you can share it with your Amiga. Monitor Wizard - The latest monitors rounded up for your viewing pleasure. Perfect Paint - The 24bit paint package, after the crown of Deluxe Paint? Wheely Nice Mice - What you'd want to do with a wheel mouse. Hell Squad - running about, blatting aliens? All in a day's work thanks to Digital Dreams Entertainment. Foundation Gold - The ultimate release of Paul Burkey's epic God-game.

Features: ECTS Report - The recent European Computer Trade Show in London had an extra visitor this year. Amiga Active reports from the Kensington Olympia exhibition centre. SEAL-O-RAMA! - Another show report, this time from a slightly smaller, but exclusively Amiga venue in Essex. Now we are One - They said it couldn't be done, but we did it. Amiga Active is a year old. We take a nostalgic look back at the last twelve months of the Amiga. Napster - The digital music revolution is on your doorstep. Or should that be "desktop"? Professional Pagestream - Professional quality printing from Softlogik's page layout program - easy when you know how!

Plus: More News, including a closer look at the PCI solutions making their way to the Amiga. Controversy ahoy in Rants & Raves; Crystal Interactive Software talk to us about their ECTS experience in Active Gamer; Another bundle of letters turn up in Interactive; Go crazy with the Cyber Insaniac Surfers! It can only be Active Gallery! Dodgy disks and absent apps - just some of the things the Guru has to deal with on a monthly basis.The ins and outs of PHP explained in Active Online; It's old! It's slow! It's Retroactive! See-through menus and colourful gadgets in Active Shareware... oh, and Ted, I've a iMac. There. Work that one out.